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Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Two very different films made some weekend viewing.

20 MILLION MILES TO EARTH 1957 (MILL CREEK) William Hopper stars with Joan Taylor in this classic 50's sci-fi film about a life form from Venus that escapes from his captors and goes on a rampage thru Rome.

A spaceship crashed into the sea near Sicily and two astronauts are rescued along with a small container. A young boy empties the container and sells the contents to an elderly doctor and his daughter. The thing hatches, and that is where the fun begins.

Hopper chases the Ray Harryhausen beast thru Italy, but cannot seem to keep it contained. Harryhausen does a masterful job with animating the monster and bringing it to life. The rest of the cast for this fine film includes John Zaremba, Thomas B. Henry, Frank Puglia and Arthur Space.

SHE DEMONS 1958 (IMAGE) Todd Griffin, Irish McCalla and Victor Sen Yung are three people who are shipwrecked on a small island. They soon find a race of women, some of whom are mutants. Later they are captured by Nazi's living on the island.

It seems the Nazi's are experimenting with the young women. Rudolph Anders is Col. Osler, who turns the women into monsters as he experiments to make his wife beautiful again.

Richard Cunha directs with a very good pace. This film may not be the best, but it never slows down and McCalla looks very good in her white shorts.

Watching these two films was a pleasant way to kill part of a cold and windy Saturday.

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