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Thursday, May 28, 2015


This is also known as "Nightmare Castle". It has been a long while since I have seen this film.

Retromedia brings us the complete uncut 100 min. version in a very nice DVD package. Barbara Steele stars as Muriel Arrowsmith, a young woman who is having an affair with a man who works for her. Muriel's husband, Steven finds out and catches them. He then tortures and kills them both and cuts out their hearts.

Steven then marries Muriel's sister Jenny to keep all of Muriel's money in the family. Jenny starts having strange visions and acting very odd. Jenny is also played by Steele and she does an excellent job at playing a very naive young woman caught in circumstances she doesn't understand.

Meanwhile Steven is having an affair with Solange, the housekeeper played by gorgeous Helga Line. Finally things get out of control when Muriel and her lover come back from the dead and seek revenge. The make-up on Steele's face as a corpse is and always will be stuck in my mind. I first saw the picture in Famous Monsters magazine many years ago and never forgot it.

The print on this disc is beautiful and thanks goes to Fred Olen Ray for releasing this several years back. Of all the versions out there, this is the version to own. Steele is lovely as always and Paul Muller is his usual good self and so is Rik Battaglia as Muriel's doomed lover. RECOMMENDED!!

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