JOURNEY TO THE LOST CITY 1960 (SINISTER CINEMA) Paul Christian is an architect who travels to a remote city called Eschnapur to oversee some work. While there he meets a beautiful dancer named Seetha, played by the always gorgeous Debra Paget.
She is to be married to a Maharajah and yet she falls in love with Christian. Paget looks good in every single scene she is in. I like this film a lot and feel it has been somewhat neglected. Directed by Fritz Lang, this is a great adventure film that should please fans.
UNKNOWN TERROR 1957 (SINISTER CINEMA) I have talked about this film numerous times. Explorers go to a cave and seek out another who has been missing for a while. they run into a mad doctor who has been experimenting with molds and has created weird mold monsters who love in a cave.
This is a perfect Saturday afternoon horror film directed by Charles Marquis Warren and stars the gorgeous Mala Powers, Gerald Milton and Paul Richards. Good fun.

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