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Thursday, January 4, 2018


A nifty horror film that a lot of people still think is a Hammer film.

Made by Universal in 1958 from a screenplay by Hammer Films Jimmy Sangster, this thriller centers around a mad doctor named Callistratus (Donald Wolfit) who runs an asylum from the criminally insane.

A young doctor is accused of murder and sent to the prison where Callistratus wants his help with some blood experiments he is working on.

It seems that Callistratus has been brought back to life and needs constant blood transfusions to stay alive, and he wants to develop a way to stay alive permanently with the transfusions.

There are some pretty gruesome things in this film for the time, and it seems to be a complete print, but I have always wondered about several publicity shots and lobby cards from the film that show scenes not in the actual movie.

Even on the back of the Dark Sky box they have a pic that isn't in the movie. And I do recall several scenes from my childhood when I first saw the movie that aren't in this print either.

Oh well, you take what you can get, and this is an excellent little film. Beautiful Barbara Shelley co-stars with Vincent Ball. Recommended!!

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