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Monday, January 8, 2018


It has been a long time since I reviewed this film, 7 years to be exact.

I had this Criterion release, but it was stolen and it has taken a while to replace it, and since I have, I figured I review it again.

The presentation is top notch for a film this age, and what a film it is.

This pre-code horror film is full of shocking scenes, even for today. A young man, Edward Parker (Richard Arlen) ends up on a mysterious island inhabited by Dr. Moreau (Charles Laughton) and his assistant Montgomery (Arthur Hohl).

Moreau has been experimenting with animals on the island for years and has created an entire race of mutated creatures who are part animal and part human. His prize creation is Lota, a beautiful woman who used to be a panther and Moreau wants to see if she will mate with the young stranger.

Moreau uses a whip to keep the "hu-animals" in line and if that doesn't work he promises them a trip to the "house of pain" where they were created. There are several shocking scenes in the "House of pain" and they are unforgettable. Movies like this could no longer be made after the code in Hollywood was set, they really had to tone it down.

Bela Lugosi is the "Sayer Of The Law" and is quite memorable. "Are We Not Men?" If you haven't seen this, you need to. It is a gem that is often mistaken for a Universal film when in reality it was released and made by Paramount. Criterion has done their usual excellent job for a film that is not to be missed.


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