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Tuesday, April 10, 2018


A great 70's horror film.

Yes, I have reviewed this before from Mill Creek, and yes the print was cut. This however is uncut.

I can't understand why this is such an underrated film. It's a fantastic horror film with a great premise and twist. The movie open in the 1940's when for some mysterious, unexplained reason a dead man named Caleb Croft rises from his tomb.

Two young lovers go to the cemetery and are attacked by Croft. He kills the man and rapes the women in a grave. The woman gives birth to a baby that drinks blood and she willingly bleeds herself so the baby will live.

Flash forward to 1972 and a teacher of night classes turns out to be Caleb himself and a young man named James Eastman joins the class. One thing leads to another and we discover that James is the son of Caleb and he wants to kill his father for bringing him into the world. This culminates in one of the best on screen fight scenes I have seen in a long time.

The ending is a surprise and something I wasn't expecting when I first saw this many years ago. Michael Pataki is wonderful a Caleb and William Smith is just as good as his son, James.

The print from Sinister is about as good as I have seen, but there are still splices and scratches on the film, but hey, this just helps make it better if you ask me. That is how I used to see movies all the time so to me it enhances the film.

To finally see this uncut was also a pleasure. The rest of the cast for this fun little chiller includes Eric Mason, Leiux Dressler and the gorgeous Lyn Peters. I know this film has been on hundreds of PD labels, but if you get the print from Sinister you can see what is missing from the other prints. RECOMMENDED!!

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