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Sunday, April 22, 2018


A great upgrade from the old Warner DVD and taken from a much better source.

50's sci-fi has always been and will always be my favorite kind of movie. This is an excellent example of that genre.

Volcanic eruptions in Mexico opens up the ground and out come giant scorpions that ravage the countryside. Richard Denning stars as Hank Scott, an American geologist trying to help Mexico recover along with his friend Artur Ramos (Carlos Rivas).

Hank meets and falls for Teresa Alvarez (gorgeous Mara Corday) who owns a large ranch and whose workers have fled in fear of what they call the "demon bull". The film starts off with the discoveries of people who have been mysteriously killed and builds to a crescendo when Scott and Ramos explore a huge cave full of giant scorpions, spiders and worm like creatures.

The scenes of the scorpions swarming over a wrecked train for victims is unforgettable and extremely well done by effects master Willis O' Brien and his partner Pete Peterson.

The final climactic battle between the army and the last giant scorpion in the Mexico City Arena is something many people have studied for years and still marvel at the perfection..

This Blu-ray from Warner Archive is simply beautiful and right away you can tell is was sourced from better material. I cannot recommend this enough for all giant monster movie fans.

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