I say I had to watch this because my roommate rented this for us to watch. It stars nobody I know, but it was a somewhat interesting movie. I don't like the fact that America has taken a Japanese franchise and it attempting to make money off of it, but that is just the way of the world in the 2000's I guess.
Anyway it seems that in 1999 a nuclear facility in Japan was closed down after in collapsed and killed most everyone who worked there. The movie moves ahead 15 years and we find the facility still closed and the surrounding area blocked off as well.
There is a secret government project being conducted and it soon givers birth to a monstrous creature who seems to feed off of all types of energy. The monster raises havoc everywhere it goes and soon it's discovered that Godzilla has awakened and it now after the creature called a MUTO.
Old Godzy gets a surprise when the mate for the original creature shows up in Honolulu and a huge battle ensues between the three monsters. It was cool to see a place like Honolulu destroyed. The creatures battle all the way to San Francisco.
Frisco is also destroyed and that was a pleasure to see. The effects aren't bad at all in this 160 million dollar epic. I can't help but wonder why Godzilla wasn't the main focus. The filmmakers seemed to make him take a back seat to all the human interaction, the MUTO monsters and the nuclear disaster, but then again, that is American film making today.
I enjoyed the movie, as did my roommate, but she took it an extra mile and did a running wrestling commentary during the battle scenes between the monsters. Now we are going to have to get the next film which comes out in DVD and Blu-ray soon. I can't wait for more wrestling announcing from Jenn, she actually made those scenes even more entertaining.
I would recommend this for monster movie fans and Godzilla fans, of course, but don't expect anything as much fun as the original films of the bygone era.

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