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Thursday, October 31, 2019


One of the greatest sci-fi films to come out of the UK finally gets it's long awaited Blu-ray release in the USA.

Released in the USA as "Five Million Years To Earth" this great film is something to behold.

Andrew Keir stars as Prof. Bernard Quatermass. During the digging of a new subway station at Hobb's Lane some mysterious skulls are dug up and Dr. Roney (James Donald) is called in to examine these rare finds.

As the digging for bones continues a strange mysterious metal object is also discovered and the Army is called in. Prof. Quatermass accompanies a bomb expert and Colonel named Breen (Julian Glover) to the excavation. After much digging it turns out that the object, which was thought to be an unexploded bomb is actually a weird looking craft that Quatermass believes came from space.

Breen refuses to accept this even after several strange incidents occur as well as the shocking discovery of insect demons long dead inside a sealed part of the capsule. Quatermass, Roney and Roney's beautiful assistant Barbara Judd (Barbara Shelley) put the pieces of the puzzle together and come to the conclusion that these insect creatures experimented on early man and are directly responsible for the human condition today.

The military and Government do everything possible to dis-credit that theory and Quatermass discovers that the ship is actually alive and getting stronger every minute. This sets the stage for a very hectic climax as all of London is taken over by the alien mental power.

Nigel Kneale wrote this excellent and very intelligent script that still packs a wallop to this day. Roy Ward Baker directed this with perfection and the cast is simply flawless. There are not many films that are 52 years old that are still super powerful, but this is. It questions everything from religion to racism and morals.

The Blu-ray is a spectacular presentation with tons of extras and a picture perfect film presentation. This is another top release of the year. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

The rest of the cast includes Duncan Lamont, Bryan Marshall and Hugh Futcher.


Lee Grant is 94.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


It was a long time coming, but this, one of my favorite films of all time finally made it to Blu-ray thanks to Shout Factory.

This was scheduled to come out in May and then was pushed back until July and because of my current health situation and other personal issues I couldn't get my hands on it until October, but it's well worth the wait.

Brian Donlevy stars as Professor Quatermass in this second film after "The Quatermass Xperiment" made just 2 years earlier. It was retitled "Enemy From Space" for the US market.

In this outing the Professor stumbles upon aliens who are trying to invade Earth in a most unusual way. They arrive on Earth and take over humans in order to build a secret plant, where they are feeding monster hundreds of feet high which are kept in huge steel domes. These monster will be used to destroy the world and make way for the invaders.

There is plenty of suspense as Quatermass tries to get the Government to investigate, but finds that the aliens have already taken over many key positions in local and federal government levels.

He finally succeeds in getting the human workers at the plant to believe him about what is going on and that is when the fun really kicks in as the humans fight to keep the aliens at bay and then destroy them.

This is top notch science fiction entertainment that nobody who is a fan should miss. Shout used the last surviving film print for this release and it looks pretty sharp, but as usual I have read a lot of complaining from people. Don't listen to all that negative crap. This is a great presentation.

The disc had a lot of extras including an interview with director Val Guest, trailers and much more. This is easily a top release for the year and again, in my opinion, one of the best films of it's kind ever made.

The rest of the cast includes John Longdon as Lomax, Sidney James, Bryan Forbes, Tom Chatto and the always beautiful Vera Day. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! A Halloween treat for sure.


Henry Winkler is 74, and June Blair is 86.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


A good made for TV horror movie that brought back a lot of memories.

These used to air frequently on network TV back in the good old days. David Janssen stars as Sheriff Aaron Whitaker, who tries to keep law and order in a small bayou town in Louisiana.

A woman found dead and torn to shreds in the swamp leads Whitaker into a dark web of terror. Some of the locals believe that a werewolf is running loose but Whitaker refuses to believe in such things.

His investigation leads him to a plantation owned by Andrew Rodanthe (Bradford Dillman) and his sister Louise (Barbara Rush) whom the sheriff once had strong feelings for.

The suspect list keeps getting longer and the victims continue to pile up. Soon it becomes clear that Whitaker is dealing with something way over his head.

The werewolf make-up is somewhat unique and was something I had never seen when I first saw this movie years ago. The film moves along at a good pace and never gets boring. It's only 72 minutes long which was standard for commercial TV back in the day.

If you're my age and remember things like this from your childhood I recommend this for a Halloween treat. The rest of the cast includes Geoffrey Lewis, Royal Dano, John Beradino and John Davis Chandler.


Gabrielle Union is 47, and Kate Jackson is 71.

Monday, October 28, 2019


It has been almost a decade since I saw this wonderful movie.

Seeing this film brings back a lot of wonderful memories of Saturday afternoon monster movies.

Glenn Langan stars as Lt. Col. Glenn Manning, a man exposed to the blast of a Plutonium bomb while trying to rescue a pilot in a crashed aircraft laying very close to target zero.

With burns covering 90% of his body he is given little chance for survival, but everyone is in for a hell of a surprise. The next morning the doctors discover that his body has healed itself 100 percent. The doctors try to discover why.

But soon he begins to grow at the rate of 8 to 10 feet a day due to body cells which are not acting as they should since the explosion. Before too long he is 60 feet tall and goes on a destructive rampage in Las Vegas.

There are many wonderful scenes in this film and they include Manning going off on a soldier who has brought him dinner and the now classic scene of him using a giant syringe as a dart and killing Maj. Eric Coulter (Larry Thor).

A lot of the special effects are below par, but that is due to budget as was the problem on most films directed by Bert I. Gordon. The rest of the cast includes Cathy Downs as the long suffering girlfriend of Manning, William Hudson, Hank Patterson, James Seay, Frank Jenks and Russ Bender.

I think Cathy Downs was one of the most attractive women in movies and I have her in quite a few films. Watching this movie again after so long is like putting on a comfortable pair of old slippers, it just feels so good. It's not available on DVD and probably never will be, but if you look around hard enough you might be able to find it. Essential Halloween viewing!!

This was last available in the US on VHS from RCA. VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! The sequel, War Of The Colossal Beast is available on DVD.


Christy Hemme is 39.

Sunday, October 27, 2019


They just keep on coming up with great stuff.

This episode has two amazing episodes. The first is entitled "Night Of The Paw". This is a classic re-telling of the horror tale called "The Monkey's Paw".

Bruce Davison stars as an elderly funeral home owner who is accosted by a beautiful female killer who is on the run and has been injured in an automobile accident. He tells her the tale of how he got the Monkey's Paw and how he and his late wife used it, which is pretty damn horrific.

She then kills him and steals the paw in order to bring her husband, whom she killed, back to life. She finds his body in the morgue and makes a final wish which turns out to be the gruesome death of her.

The second tale is "Times Is Tough In Musky Holler" which is a truly twisted tale about a small town Mayor who is locked in a jail cell along with a lot of his supporters. This is a tale that takes several twists and turns in it's bloody and gruesome ending. Just a clue so as to not give it away, the story has two different plots at one time and one is about an unexplained zombie infestation, and the other is about it's rather unique aftermath.

Again, good stuff for a Halloween season viewing and it seems the series just keeps getting better and better.


Lara Parker is 81, Jayne Kennedy is 68.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


A lot of people really hate this film. I have always liked it, but it really seems unfinished.

This film was made in 1958, but not released until 1988 when it was discovered by Greg Luce of Sinister Cinema. It only runs 30 minutes and has a strange little plot.

It seems that a scientist (Doug Hobart) has been infected with some kind of radiation and has been turned into a werewolf. He has now been seen hanging around the lab of Prof. Wilmer (John Copeland).

There is also a sub plot about a commie agent trying to steal an invention of Wilmer's. The spy and his female partner travel to the lab, but the werewolf attacks and kills the agent. The woman passes out and is brought back to the lab.

The film just kind of ends when the Prof. announces that his new invention will help the seemingly doomed werewolf/scientist. I have heard that this was an unfinished film because it just seems to have a lot missing. It was shot in Dayton, Ohio.

I like the werewolf make-up and it seems this film steals a few ideas from another werewolf film made in 1957 entitled "The Werewolf" by producer Sam Katzman.

If you get a chance to see this rare film, do so and decide for yourself if you like it or not. I did.

I couldn't find any picture of this for the first time I won't be giving you one.


Jaclyn Smith is 74, and Dana Kimmell is 60.

Friday, October 25, 2019

RIP JOSIP ELIC 1921-2019

A prolific character actor has passed away.

Elic was born In Butte, Montana and served in the military before going into acting. The name you may not know, but the face is always recognizable.

Elic appeared in 2 episodes of the original Twilight Zone series. The episodes were "One More Pallbearer" and The Obsolete Man". He did much stage and theater work as well as motion pictures.

He appeared in such films as "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians", "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", and "The Producers".

He passed away on Oct. 24th at the age of 98.


A very disjointed film I really didn't like.

Cameron Mitchell stars as a psychic named Bill Carson who is called into a case involving a young woman who was kidnapped and carried off by a sadistic killer.

Her parents ask Bill for help which he tries to give them, but they are very skeptical. In the meantime our story changes to two beautiful young women, one of whom is Mary (Jennifer Holmes). She and her friend are now being stalked by the mad killer who has no motive except that he likes to kill young women.

I said at the beginning that it was a disjointed film and here is what I meant by that. The story fluctuates between Mitchell's character looking for the missing girl, and these two women and their lives.

In the only real surprise in this movie, the mother of the missing woman kills Carson by shooting him in the head about midway thru the film, and I assume that is because all of these scenes were used and padded out the film.

I really didn't like the film, but I will admit the ending was at least interesting and you do have two very attractive women who take off their clothes often. If you simply must see every film Cameron Mitchell appeared in, then see this film. Otherwise avoid.


Rosa Mendes is 40.

Thursday, October 24, 2019


A great example of how 70's drive in films were made and why I love them so much.

Several friends go to upstate New York to watch a boat being built and to just relax for a weekend. Instead of finding a relaxing time, they are stalked and killed one by one by a masked killer.

The mask the killer wears is pretty bizarre in and of itself and there are plenty of red herrings as the film unfolds. There are many great scenes in this gem and two that stand out are the bar scene early in the film where a character named Nicky (Chris Allport) who is a flamboyant gay man gets into a fight with several red necks and ends up kicking their asses.

The other is towards the end of the film when the mad killer has one of the beautiful women tied to a table saw, but can't get the power to turn on from his basement position, so he leaves her tied to it. Later when the hero, Mac (David Gale) looks for her and other victims, he accidentally turns on the power...and you can guess what happens next.

It's a cheaply shot film which only makes it better and it just has that wonderful late 70's feel to it thanks makes it a winner in my book. The rest of the cast includes Marilyn Hamlin, William Sanderson and Yancy Butler.

If you get a chance, check it out. It's available on numerous PD sets.


Barbara Wilson is 83.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019


A wonderful exploitation film from 1980.

The great Nicholas Worth stars as Kirk Smith, a very disturbed Vietnam vet who terrorizes Los Angeles with a series of brutal killings.

He also taunts a local radio psychologist played by Flo Lawrence with his killings and is always one step ahead of a detective investigating the case (James Westmoreland).

Smith poses as a photographer in order to catch beautiful women in his trap. The film has an unfair reputation for being misogynistic and as of late that term has come to mean nothing anyway. The film is no different than hundreds of other horror films, except that it is far better than most of it's kind.

The performances in this film help elevate it above the others and Worth is always great in anything he is in. The version I saw on the 10 disc set from Mill Creek was totally uncut. It actually comes from the Media Home Entertainment VHS print. The old DVD from Rhino had all the nudity and violence cut out, which is crazy.

I highly recommend this "Don't" film and think any horror fan should see it. The film was the only effort by one time director Robert Hammer, but it's a memorable one. And don't listen to all the negative stuff about misogyny and bad acting. It's well worth a look.


Sam Raimi is 60, and Leah Van Dale is 32.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


A bizarre horror film based on a video game.

This had been called dark and satirical, and those might indeed be the best terms to describe it. A group of college students find themselves fighting for survival after a zombie apocalypse has destroyed most of the world.

Apparently the zombies are created by a plague and we are given a very hazy explanation as to why the plague started in the first place. The characters are fleshed out pretty good and you do find yourself rooting for some of them

The gore effects are pretty standard CGI and the acting is good for the most part. Although I enjoyed the film there were several things that brought it down a bit. First off, the long set up to get to the actual zombie attacks and secondly when the survivors are trapped in a small gas station they don't even attempt to board up the windows or doors and it appears as if the zombies cannot get in.

I have never played a video game so I am not familiar with this at all, but I'll take the filmmakers word for it that they stuck close to the plot of the game. The ending is very odd as two survivors, being the least unlikely, walk down a railroad track talking about what they are going to do next and all seems well. I won't spoil it, but for some reason the filmmakers saw fit to put on a second ending, at least that is what I call it.

Not the worst, but not the best zombie film of late. It's an ok time waster.


Jeff Goldblum is 67, Catherine Deneuve is 76, and Suzanne Snyder is 57.

Monday, October 21, 2019


Now back to horror themed reviews after yesterday's break. More fun from the unique series on Shudder.

The fourth episode of this show comes forward with some straight out scares and while they are not any way original, they are done very, very well.

The first story is called "The Companion". A young boy who is constantly beat up by his older brother accidentally stumbles upon an old farm house, it's long dead owner and a bizarre looking Scarecrow.

He removes a stake from the scarecrows chest and it comes to life and attempts to kill they boy but the young man finds out how to control it and decides to get even with his older sibling.

The scarecrow is a bizarre looking thing and something I haven't seen before in other stories of this ilk.

The second tale is called "Lydia Layne's Better Half". It's a creepy story about a highly successful business woman stuck in an elevator with the body of a woman she accidentally killed in her office.

It works very well on the creepy level and the ending is a good kicker. Great Halloween season viewing.


Paula Kelly is 76, and Jack Taylor is 83.

Sunday, October 20, 2019


The final entry in the "Ginger" series starring Cheri Caffaro as the ultra sexy secret agent. It may not fit into the Halloween horror category, but I figured I'd include this film as kind of horror break.

A lot of people have a hard time admitting they like the Ginger films, but I don't. I love em, this however is the weakest and that is because they really toned down the good stuff like bondage, sadism and misogyny.

In this film the CIA hires Ginger McAllister to combat a wicked female who is after the papers dealing with a trade treaty the US is about to sign with China.

It seems that Ronnie St. Claire (Sheila Leighton) is just as sexually charged as Ginger and both end up playing games with each other to see who is the better woman. Of course Ronnie is backed by a large army of thugs and Ginger and her friend Clay Bowers (Tim Brown) find themselves sometimes in over their heads.

The climactic fight between Ginger and Ronnie ends when Ginger chains Ronnie to the bed and lets a man have his way with her. Only in an exploitation film like this will you see this kind of ending.

There is plenty of sleaze and yes, Ginger is put into a few bondage scenarios, but as I said, it's really toned down for this 3rd entry. Caffaro is a beautiful woman who knows how to use her feminine gifts and for that the male viewer should be thankful.

If you've seen the other two entries you will be let down, but this is still entertaining for what it is. I also have to say you can't be too critical of these films if you like them because today's crap never has bondage, sadism and misogyny..the three main ingredients to a perfect exploitation picture.


Mary Peach is 85, Scott Hall is 61, Chavo Guerrero, Jr. is 49, and Diana Lorys is 79.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


One of the many slasher films to be released in the early 80's following in the wake of Halloween.

The very simple plot involves a young woman named Virginia (Melissa Sue Anderson) whose group of friends start to disappear one by one and these events are tied to strange things that happened to her when she was a young child around her birthday.

Virginia has returned to a private school after having survived a horrible car accident and regenerative brain surgery. As her 18th birthday party approaches her friends start dying gruesome deaths.

Her doctor, David Faraday (Glenn Ford) tries to help her understand and tells her it's all in her mind as she is still recovering from her surgery. This advice only gets him killed in a gruesome scene involving a fireplace poker.

The most famous murder in the film is highlighted on the poster. The Shish Kabob into the head is indeed a classic. The film has a bizarre twist ending that brings everyone to a tragic end.

I have always liked Melissa Sue Anderson and find her to be a very attractive actress and wished she had done more, but she elected to be a stay at home mother to her two children, so movie fans are out of luck. At the time it was a total surprise to see Glenn Ford in a slasher film, and it still it to be honest.

I hadn't seen this for years and found it to be entertaining much as it was back 38 years ago. Melissa Sue Anderson just celebrated her 57th Birthday on Sept. 26th. That makes her exactly three months and one day older than I am. I always wanted to marry that well we can't have everything.

Anyway, I would recommend this over a lot of other slasher films of it's kind. Check it out.

Friday, October 18, 2019

RIP BILL MACY 1922-2019

Walter Findlay has died.

Macy is best known for playing the role of Walter Findlay, the husband of Maude Findlay on the long running show "Maude".

He did a ton of TV work and I remember him from "Tales From The Darkside" in an episode entitled "Lifebomb" which is an interesting tale about getting exactly what you wish for.

Some of his other work included "All In The Family", "Love Boat", "L.A. L:aw" and many more. He died on Oct. 17th, 2019 at the age of 97.

RIP IGO KANTOR 1930-2019

The prolific music director of hundreds of films has passed away.

Kantor did the music for many, many genre films including such classics as "Kingdom Of The Spiders", "Cyborg 2087", "Dimension 5", "Human Duplicators", and "Women Of The Prehistoric Planet" plus way too many to list here.

He also was the music editor for many Russ Meyer films including "Faster Pussycat Kill Kill", "Motor Psycho" and "Good Morning and Goodbye" plus many more.

A very busy life and a great career. Igo passed away on Oct. 15th at the age of 89.


This is a strictly by the book adventure/sci-fi tale that might entertain you.

My roommate wasn't around to watch this one so she couldn't do her Godzilla cheers and hope the big guy would show up and end everything. In reality I did that.

Sean Lawlor stars as Capt. Nemo who has become even more insane and plans on taking over the entire world. His plans include stealing a newly invented mini sub created by Lt. Michael Arronax (Lorenzo Lamas) as well as a machine that turns water into oxygen.

Nemo captures the small crew and holds them hostage in an attempt to obtain what he wants. I have to admit there was a lot of potential in this kind of a story, but the makers of the film decided to not use it I guess.

I wasn't really bored by the movie, but damn I was wishing so much more had gone on. The director was Gabriel Bologna and he is not given much to work with as well.

It's a time waster and you could do much worse, but why try. The movie makers claim this was inspired by Jules Verne's classic 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, but I can only imagine that is in name only.


Dawn Wells is 81.

Thursday, October 17, 2019


The actress and dialogue coach had passed away at 106.

As pf Pct. 2019 she was the oldest living actor to work with the Three Stooges. Her film appearances include such fare as "Bowery Buckaroos". "The Clock", "Blonde Ice" "Badmen Of Tombstone" and "Street Of Darkness".

She passed away in her sleep on Oct. 2nd. A good, long life and a great career.


First it was Casey Kasem back in 2014, now Bob Kingsley.

Kingsley died on Oct. 17th just 8 days after making his announcement that he was stepping down from his radio show "Country Top 40" to fight bladder cancer.

Bob hosted "American Country Countdown" for 27 years and his voice was always a welcome one one the weekends. He and Kasem were the guys I hung out with on weekends listening to the radio.

Kingsley began producing "American Country Countdown" the year after Don Bustany and Casey Kasem started the program and he later became host in 1978 after Don Bowman.

Kingsley built a huge audience of fans around the world with his smooth radio voice and very friendly manner. A radio legend is gone, but never forgotten. He was 80.


Very strange story.

This is an episode of the 1955 TV series "The Star and The Story". Edmond O' Brien stars as a writer named Ray Ericson.

Ericson comes to realize that his life has taken a bizarre turn when he starts living out a fiction story he is writing, and that the characters are becoming real.

He meets a beautiful woman named Jill Andrews (Joanne Woodward) who is actually a character from his story, and she is attempting to get away from her boyfriend because he wants to kill her.

Ericson is shocked to find that he is in the role of the killer!! He must then race against time to change his story before it's published and becomes real.

I really liked the premise of this story and how the actors made it work. O' Brien and Woodward work very well together and it does come to a bitter sweet conclusion.

This is highly recommended for classic TV lovers.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019


One of the most notorious films of the horror genre.

The entire advertising campaign of this film was based on scenes from the first 20 minutes and it worked extremely well.

Carole Kane stars as Jill Johnson, a young woman babysitting young children when their parents go out to dinner and a movie. Very soon she starts getting phone calls from a mysterious man who keeps asking her "Have you checked the children lately?" She calls the police and after several more phone calls they are able to trace them.

The calls are coming from inside the house and Jill finds herself in a house with a homicidal maniac who has already killed the children in what amounts to a bloodbath. The police arrive and the crazed killer is arrested.

Flash forward to 7 years later. The killer, Curt Duncan (Tony Beckley) has escaped from the metal hospital and it's up to the arresting cop from 7 years ago to find him again. Charles Durning does a great job as cop turned private detective John Clifford. Clifford is a man who can never forget what he saw at the original scene of the crime and now only wants to kill Duncan.

After wondering the streets and terrorizing a woman named Tracy (Colleen Dewhurst), Duncan finds Jill who is now married to a successful man and has two children of her own. He calls her and the terror for her starts all over again and works to a great climax. Beckley does a fantastic job as the killer and you can see he is terminally ill when making this film. He died shortly after at the age of 52 from cancer.

This is a well played out film that really delivers the shocks with a minimum of blood and gore. It was remade in 2007 and as usual that remake sucked. I'll never understand why Hollyweird messes with perfection.

This is the only version to see and for horror fans it's a good one. Great for a cold Halloween night viewing. This was actually released on Oct. 26th 1979.


Erin Brown is 40, and Chris Mitchum is 76.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


A loving look at one of the most creative film makers to ever live.

I caught this on the Shudder network and found it very, very interesting. I had heard about this but never had a chance to see it.

Almost 2 hours are spent looking at the career of Cohen which includes many, many clips from his movies and TV shows as well as hearing from the people who worked with him over the years.

Cohen started his long career writing for TV in the late 50's on such series as "Kraft Theater", "Zane Grey Theater" and "Way Out" plus many more. He also created "The Invaders" TV series starring Roy Thinnes. A short while after that he started making movies, and the rest is history.

Nobody made films like Larry....nobody. He made "Bone", "Black Caesar", and "Hell Up In Harlem" which were all classic films starring black actors like Fred Williamson, then he started branching off into horror films.

Some of his most famous films include "It's Alive". "God Told Me To", "Q", "The Stuff" (which is my personal favorite), "The Ambulance" and "Return To Salem's Lot" just to name a few.

This documentary is full of amusing stories as well as a lot of heartbreaking ones, but that happens in the world of film making. If you're a Cohen fan you need to see this is you haven't already. If you've never seen a Cohen film, you need to and then watch this.

Sadly Cohen passed away on Mar 26th, 2019 at the age of 82, but this was finished before he died thank goodness. His legacy in films is everlasting and his work will never be equaled and NOBODY will ever use New York location like Larry did.



Tanya Roberts is 64, Lynn Lowery is 72, and Virginia Leith is 94.