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Friday, July 29, 2022


This Italian shocker is also known as "Cannibals In The Street".

John Saxon stars in this film which I never had a chance to see until now, and it wasn't half bad.

Several POW's are rescued from the Vietcong and while they were held captive they contracted a bizarre disease that makes them need to consume human flesh. This is never really explained. but we do see Saxon's character of Norman Hopper get bitten by one of the prisoners he's trying to save at the very beginning of the film.

Hopper has bad dreams about the incident and is not all together sane himself. His beautiful wife Jane (Elizabeth Turner) tries to help him and he has been successful in fighting the urges to consume flesh.

One of the soldiers gets a weekend pass from the mental hospital and goes to see a movie, but instead he ends up taking a bite out of a woman throat and then goes on a killing rampage.

The police corner him in a store and Hopper offers to talk the man out, which he does. The soldier has killed two cops and bitten another, but nobody gives the bite and real attention.

Back at the hospital the soldier named Charles Bukowski (Giovanni Lombardo Radice and his friend, the also flesh hungry Tom Thompson (Tony King) escape together after biting a nurse and Hopper decides to join them and off go the three flesh eating men who quickly spread the disease all over Atlanta, where this was filmed.

Soon many people are infected and the slow minded police refuse to believe in cannibals. Eventually the three are joined by the nurse they bit earlier.

They are finally trapped in a sewer and killed by the police, but Hopper escapes and goes back to his wife. She has been infected as well and he kills both her and then himself. The police think they have ended the killings, but Saxon has already intected his sexy young neighbor girl and then films ends with the problem unsolved.

Antonio Margheriti directed this gem, and he does his usual great job. The film moves along very well, and it is one of the most bizarre zombie films I have ever seen. It reminded me of the film "I Drink Your Blood".

If you like Italian zombie films you might like this. I can easily recommend this.

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