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Sunday, July 24, 2022


NEVER and I mean NEVER have I seen a film like this.

This movie, made in France is just about the most original film IO have ever seen as far as plot goes. In the opening minutes of the film we are told by a character named Lt. Chad (Stephen Spinella) that things happen in movies for no reason, and this film is an homage to "no reason".

No more true words were ever spoken. One day a tire rotting away in the desert comes to life and learns to roll on it's own. Now this may seem like nothing, but soon the tire begins to use it's powers and make people's heads explode!

The tire becomes infatuated with a beautiful young woman named Sheila (Roxane Mesquida) and it follows her to an off road motel. While we the viewer are watching this so are a group of people in the desert with binoculars. They are fed a poisoned chicken and they all die, except one man who is in a wheelchair played by Wings Hauser.

After the crowd dies the actors come on and tell everyone that there is no need to continue the movie as nobody is watching! The man in the wheelchair comes up and demads they finish the story, which, of course, picks up again.

It's all very surrealistic and bizarre but it does hold your attention because it's so damned weird. The tire is killed in a hotel room while watching TV, but is soon reincarnated as a tricycle!!

Yes, as you might be getting the idea this is a must see trip into bizarre land, I have to warn you this is not for everyone. However I did enjoy it for sheer creative construction of a totally nutzoid story.

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