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Sunday, July 10, 2022

RIP LQ JONES 1927-2022

A great American actor has passed away.

LQ Jones seemd to do it all in the entertainment industry. He acted, wrote and produced movies in his lobe career.

Jones' long movie and TV credit list began in 1955 in the film "Battle Cry" and just kept on going until 2006. Jones appeared in many, many memorable films of all kinds including "Brotherhood Of Satan", "Love Me Tender", "Naked And The Dead", "Buchanan Rides Alone", and "Flaming Star".

His many TV appearances include such shows as "Death Valley Days", "Route 66", "Ben Casey", "Ironside" and "Perry Mason. He was a regular in Sam Peckinpah films such as "Battle Of Cable Houge", "Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid", "Ride The High Country" and "The Wild Bunch". He was a good friend of Peckinpah and they got along very well.

In the 70's he and his production partner Alvy Moore (Mr. Kimble on "Green Acres") made two great horror films. One was the aboves mentioned "Brotherhood Of Satan" and the other was "The Witchmaker". Unfogettable horror indeed. They also produced the cult film "A Boy And His Dog".

Sadly Jones passed away July 9th, 2022 at the age of 94. Good bye to a friend and co-worker. You will be missed.

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