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Saturday, February 18, 2023


WOW!! Finally brought to Blu-ray!!

I have been waiting for years to see this get a release and had amost given up hope. I've talked about this film twice before on the blog, but hey, the third time is a charm.

A small group of shipwreck survivors find themselves on a deserted island, well it appears deserted anyway. First they find what they think is water and it's really an acid pool. The scene of the acid taking off the face of one of the men is very well done.

They also find themselves stalked and soon attacked by odd little monsters that look like wooden doll carvings with extremely sharp teeth. One by one the humans are killed and some of the attack scenes are well staged thanks to quick editing cuts.

There is also a great scene where these folks see hundreds of these little monsters worshipping an idol that appears to be their God. This is one of the most enjoyable films I have ever seen and the presentation here comes from the original 16mm negative.

There is also an interview with the director and the writer plus test footage and the original 1 inch VHS presentation. This is a no brainer as far as purchases go this year. Vinegar Syndrome is to be thanked for releasing this unsung gem of 80's independent horror.

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