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Friday, February 24, 2023


Another fine slice of Turkish cinema.

This dandy action film is a very fast moving tale about a child raise by lions that is really the son of a king.

After he grows up he uses his animal-like cunning and his claw-like hands to take revenge against the current, evil ruler. This is like all Turkish films, it never stops to catch a breath when it gets started.

There are endless battles and bloodshed. When the fighter for justice has his hands burned off with acid during a brawl, a local man makes him a pair of steel claws which he then uses to continue to kill the men in the evil rulers empire.

This is a rare film and the beautiful 4K scan was taken from the only print known to exist. If you're looking for nothing but fun, then this is for you. I enkoyed this a hell of a lot and I bet you will to. Not much on plot, but who cares.

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