Tor Johnson plays a Russian scientist. Yes you heard me right...A RUSSIAN SCIENTIST who is being chased by two bumbling hitmen who stumbles onto Yucca Flats bombing range and is caught in a nuclear blast. He turns into a monster that...well...that chases a couple of children and carries a big stick.
The dialogue is all off camera and the acting is, well not good.....would you believe ok?.....would you believe medicore?.....sigh...ok it's not that good at all. What really gets me is that the policemen hunting the killer beast don;t even know who they are hunting, but they shoot at anyone who is within their rifle scopes.
Watching Tor chase two children around will bring laughter to you as quickly as it did for me. What a godawful movie, but I do like it because it is so bad it is good. The opening scene is an excuse to show brief female nudity but makes no sense for the rest of the film.
See won't believe it.

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