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Saturday, December 29, 2012


Another great horror from England...

Peter Cushing is a scientist who finds a skeleton in New Guinea that when it gets wet it grows it's flesh back. He takes blood from the finger of the creature and injects it into his daughter who promptly goes mad.

Christopher Lee is his half brother who wants to steal his scientific papers and claim all the glory. He arranges to have the skeleton stolen and the carriage it's in crashes in the rain, and henceforth the skeleton becomes what it really was...the entity of pure evil and now it roams the countryside.

This is one hell of a nifty film for horror fans and you just have to love the painting at the very beginning if the film!! Recommended!!

1 comment:

  1. "The Creeping Flesh" is literally the ONLY good film thats ever been produced by the British film industry (in 123 years of film-making ! ! !), it is a true masterwork.
