A young man is hit with a small meteor fragment and begins to change into a lizard monster in this cool little monster movie.
Chase Cordell is the man in question here and the very lovely Leigh Drake is the woman who loves him and is horrified to find he is changing. The movie does manage to bring the tragedy to a more personal level than a lot of these types of films, and I guess it helps that it is a regional film completely devoid of all the usual Hollywood trappings.
Drake and Gregorio Sala, as the college professor who discovers that this has happened before in ancient Indian lore, play their parts very, very well. I like the monster suit made by Joe Blasco, it just looks cool. If you like monster flicks I highly recommend this one.
This film was shot in 1972 and sat for four years until a distributor came along. I t was never released to theaters, it went directly to TV, and that is sad because films like this always deserve a theatrical release.

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