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Monday, March 25, 2013


One of the best known television shows ever made!!

All 36 first season episodes are on this 6 disc set from Warner. This is actually the best season for the show because the episodes are the funniest.

You get introduced to the seven castaways and various visitors to the island including "Wrong Way" Feldman played by Hans Conreid, Kurt Russell as a jungle boy and much more. The best epsiodes from this year are "Waiting For Watubi", "Music Hath Charms" and "So Sorry, My Island Now".

In the "Watubi" episode, Gilligan helps the Skipper by pretending to be a great mystic God named Watubi and the results are hilarious. In "Music Hath Charms" the castaways play musical instruments and a tribe from a nearby island take the music as war drums and attack the island. In "So Sorry, My Island Now" a japanese sailor takes the castaways prisoner on the island.

Good fun and always recommended!!

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