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Sunday, March 10, 2013


What a movie!

I first read about this movie in Famous Monsters of Filmland and had to wait until about the mid 80's to finally see it. Was I disappointed? Oh hell no. This is a great little independent film shot with very little money, but with lots of imagination, which all modern filmmakers lack.

A ship full of specimens from other planets crashes on earth and the monsters get loose. There are several main monsters such as the Inferbyce which is an insect creature with a very hard shell, a Zagatile which is a very large creature with suction cup toes and covered in fur and a lizard monster that sucks energy from living organisms. Pretty cool stuff.

A mysterious man arrives in the small town of Perry Hill, MD and says he can track the creatures down, but who is he really. Don Dohler does an excellent job directing his mostly amateur cast an the acting isn't as bad as you'd think. If you get a chance, check this one out. It's fun, it's well made and it has some nifty monsters in it.

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