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Friday, March 22, 2013


This will be one of the finest films you could see.

A young man named Pablo is in love with a stunning beauty named Dominique and she convinces him to take a vow that if one of them should die that he or she will return to help to other to the afterlife. When the plane that Dominique is on crashes and everyone is killed, Pablo receives a call the next is Dominique.

The ending to this film is very bittewrsweet and romance lovers will hold it very dear. The black and white photography is beautiful and so is the actress who plays Dominique, Dyanik Zurakowska. This film was included as an extra on the Trome release of The Hanging Woman and is a VERY welcome extra to say the least.

It's a haunting love story and very creepy in spots. Highly Recommended!!

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