Paul Naschy stars as a priest who is close friends with a family that is having a few problems.
What kind of problems? Well a young woman named Leila (Grace Mills) participates in a Satanic ritual and this causes her to be possessed by the spirit of her dead father.
This slowly causes her to act very odd and as the possession becomes more and more obvious she begins vomiting green slime, cursing and the usual possession signs.
I know many people have compared this to "The Exorcist" and while that may be true in certain scenes, I cannot really compare the two. Mills does a very good job as the possessed woman and this film moves along at a brisk pace.
What I like most is we also get Euro babes Maria Perschy as as Lelia's mother and the gorgeous Maria Kosti as Lelia's sister, Deborah. Kosti is always a welcomed actress in any Euro film.
Once again, the presentation is very good from Shout, and if you have other copies of this film you won't need them anymore. The ending is rather abrupt, but a recommended film none the less.

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