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Monday, November 13, 2017


I don't know the ages of anyone who follows this blog or reads it, but I do hope some of you can understand.

I was having a conversation with someone the other day, someone much younger than me about movies and such and the topic came up about what it was like when I was growing up and of course I took the opportunity to fill this person in, yet I don't think he understood when I was finished.

You see, when I was growing up it was a very different world than it is now. I became hooked on horror at the age of 5 thanks to my mother and an uncle and soon became a monster loving kid reading FM and other publications.

One of my favorite things to do in my young life was to scan the TV Guide every week for all the horror movies coming on the TV, which was also very different back in my day, but more on that in some other post at a later date.

The excitement of waiting to see a movie, no matter what it was is hard to explain to people now a days. There is not a feeling like it in the world. I remember first seeing "King Kong", "The Invisible Man", "Them", "The She Creature" and so much more, then going to school on Monday and talking about it with the others kids who had also watched the movies that weekend.

There was/is a feeling of thrills when a new movie came my way, and all of them are collective memories I have always kept with me. It was also at this time, of course that I started having favorite monsters from the movies and also started to recognize the actors and actresses involved in them.

The actors such as Peter Cushing, John Agar, Ray Milland and hundreds more always, at least to me, meant the movie was worth watching. However, as I grew older I really started to appreciate the many lovely women involved in these as well including Evelyn Ankers, Pam Grier, Judy Pace, Joan Collins, Caroline Munro and too many more to mention.

To this day I get the same feelings I had as a young child when something new and interesting to me is made available on DVD or Blu-ray. It has never changed, and it never will. I believe it's something one is born with.

A all of you know, I don't usually patronize modern cinema, especially from the USA. I find most of the stories boring and UN-interesting, the actors and actresses of today do not really interest me as the ones from the past, and this is for many reasons I won't get into here as they deal with politics and more.

Also, I was in the business for many years and saw so much shit, I got out and have never gotten back into it, and probably never will.

However, nothing has ever taken away the excited feeling of obtaining a film on DVD or Blu-ray for me. Back in my day you had to either see them on TV or miss them, and with the advent of VHS that problem was taken away, and young people I talk to today has no idea what I am talking about because they have always had DVD, Tivo and everything else.

Yes, I still get that excited feeling. Yes I still listen to the same kind of music I did when I was a kid reading monster magazines, which is AT40 with Casey Kasem, and I still have favorite actors and actresses from the past whose work I will always admire. The only thing that has changed is my age. I am and always will be a movie fan who still feels like a young boy inside when ever a new release comes to DVD or Blu-ray.

Hey, like I said, it's something you're either born with or not.

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