This has been out for a while on Blu-ray and I reviewed this a long time ago on regular DVD and I figured I'd give it another look since I picked up the Blu-ray.
The story centers around a group of young film makers making a horror film deep in a secluded area when they start hearing reports on the radio that tell them the dead are returning to life.
They decide to try and get back home and one of the young people, Jason Creed, (Joshua Close) starts video taping all of the events so there will be a truthful account of what is happening.
There are some great set pieces in here including the running down of a dead sheriff and three other zombies in the middle of a lonely road, the attack on an old farm and the opening scene is pretty cool as well.
This was Romero's addition to the "hand held camera" genre that was popular during the early 2000's but has thankfully died off. I do admit I like this story and the way it is presented. Romero, as everyone knows was a genius behind the camera and knew how to make a film work effectively.
I would very much recommend this film for horror fans and Romero fans. Good stuff indeed.