I was never a fan of the fact they gave Godzilla a child, but as the market demanded it was done.
On a tropical island a small group of weather researchers are working on a way to control weather and help in the production of crops to feed an ever expanding population.
A reporter parachutes down onto the island and is met by hostility by the project leader. However, the troubles soon get worse when they discover that several giant insects are living on the island.
The giant praying mantis is known as Kamacuras and the giant spider is called Kumonga. As if these creatures aren't enough trouble. Godzilla shows up and a small egg hatches and out comes Minilla, Godzilla's son.
The big guy has to protect his small son from the evil Kamacuras as well as Kumonga, plus teach him to blow radioactive breath. Some of the film is played for laughs while other parts are typical Godzilla and done very seriously.
This was directed by Jun Fukuda. It was his second foray into the genre after "Ebirah, Horror Of The Deep" and it is thanks largely to the cast of Toho veteran actors that the film works at all. Don't misunderstand me, the films isn't bad, but it is really decidedly different in its presentation.
The print is better than anything I have ever seen and it will never look better since Criterion has obtained it. Recommended for all Godzilla fans. The next film in the Showa-Era would take the series to new heights.

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