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Saturday, June 15, 2024


This is how a horror film should be done.

A young woman named Amanda (Susan George) arrives at a somewhat secluded house to babysit for a couple who are going out to get some dinner and relax.

Amanda notices that the couple, Helen Lloyd (Honor Blackman) and Jim (George Cole) act rather uptight, but she shrugs it off. When the couple leave Amanda's boyfriend arrives and after a while they fight and she throws him out.

He is attacked by an unknown person and almost beat to death. When Amanda finds him she screams and then a man runs in and helps her. He is kind and friendly to her and finds out the phone is dead and they cannot call the police.

It turns out this man is the ex-husband of Helen and he has escaped from a mental hospital and is seeking revenge. He proceeds to terrorize Amanda and all leads to a final that is both compelling and shocking, depending on your point of view.

Susan George looks fantastic as always and is good in this role as the violated victim. However it is Ian Bannen who steals the entire show with an over the top chilling performance as the ciminally insane Brian.

Great top notch British horror that shouldn't be missed.

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