Someday I ned to find out what makes people hate this film so much. It simply fun to watch and the monster is very cool looking.
A scientist transforms himself into a fish-like monster and seeks to kill those that laughed at his work and to also seek a mate and then take over the entire world. After several murders a small scientific team is called in to investigate. The entire town of Cypress Grove, Florida is terrorized by the murders and the sudden appearance of many walking catfish.
Wade Popwell, to whom the film is dedicated plays the monster while Marshall Grauer is the mad doctor Kurt Leopold. I hadn't seen this film for years and to finally see it again was a great experience. The film is well made for a regional effort and the acting is fine. The rest of the cast is rounded out by Gerald Cruse, Dave Dickerson (who also did a few national commercials back inthe 80 for various products), gorgeous Sanna Ringhaver and Nancy Lein.
If you haven't seen this film, I really think it is time you do. Highly Recommended!

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