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Friday, August 29, 2014


Great little 50's sci-fi film that hasn't received a lot of attention.

I reviewed this when it first came out and I figured it was time to watch this again.

Ross Martin is a brilliant scientist who is killed by a truck that runs him over as he was trying to recover his sons small toy airplane that was blowing away at an airport. His distraught father (Otto Kruger) along with his brother find a way to keep him alive by transplanting his brain into the body of a huge robot that they have constructed.

Soon however he grows tired of not being able to see his son (Charles Herbert) or his wife (lovely Mala Powers) and uses powers he has developed over time to control the minds of his father and brother. He kills his brother and then attacks the United Nations in a pretty interesting climax.

This film has some great effects and acting. it is a shame this has been relegated to almost forgotten corners of the 50's sci-fi film world. Olive has turned out an excellent print of the film and I cannot recommend it enough to 50's sci-fi buffs.

The rest of the cast includes John Baragrey and Robert Hutton, but the standout to me will always be gorgeous Mala Powers.

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