Dennis Quaid is Mike Brody, one of the sons of the original Sheriff Brody in Amity. He is now working at Sea World in Florida which is run by Calvin Bouchard, played by Louis Gossett, Jr. Mike's brother Sean also works there. Bess Armstrong is Kay, Mike's girlfriend.
They find a baby great white that has come into the facility and they decide to put it on display. It dies after a short time and then the trouble really starts as it's momma comes a looking for it. The complex has as underwater system of tunnels that tourists can walk thru and these are threatened by the huge monster.
This was originally made in 3-D, but I have only seen the flat version. It's not too bad of a take on such films as "Gorgo" and the like and it was enjoyable. Not a huge moneymaker, but it did turn a good profit when released and that paved the way for a fourth and final film a few years later.
I can recommend this film for horror fans. It is a new twist on the franchise.

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