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Thursday, August 14, 2014


Just exactly what is TNA?

It is a small wrestling company that has been around since 2002. It was started by Jeff Jarrett and a host of other people in order to give fans an alternative to WWE, which after WCW went out of business was the only game in town.

Twelve years has passed since they started and they appear to be in trouble and may not last much longer. This DVD came out in 2007, when the company was going full blast and it shows how the company started, talks with the people who built it, and is just an all round fantastic history lesson on how to start a wrestling company.

There are several matches on the disc as well that show how the action was in 2002 at "The Asylum" in Nashville, TN. If you're a wrestling fan an have never seen Total Nonstop Action wrestling before, I would start with this disc.

Some of the matches include Jeff Jarrett vs. Raven for the world heavyweight title, Jerry Lynn Vs. A.J. Styles vs. Senshi for the X division belt and so much more. Recommended!!

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