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Friday, August 22, 2014


Time to re-visit another obscure horror film.

This was shot in Texas in 1970 and for some odd reason has all but been forgotten.

A witch takes over the body of a young college woman and terrorizes a small college town in Texas in order to seek revenge for her hanging 300 previous.

This is a very well made regional horror film made with semi professional actors and deep rick colored film that looks great even after 44 years.

The opening credits a cappella is a very haunting one performed by Trella Hart. It is not soon forgotten. It was written by the very talented leading lady Anitra Walsh, who dies at the age of 32 in 1980. I have yet to find out the cause.

The Sinister print is excellent and shouldn't disappoint anyone. I love little regional films like this as they usually have more heart and soul than any big budgeted Hollywood garbage. I recommend this film if you're looking for aomething, that while is not all that much different, is presented in a very good way. And you gotta love that synthesizer music score.

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