I decided to revisit this classic from 1958 as it is one of my favorite films.
When I first saw this many years ago I was blown away by the monsters. People living around a joint Canadian/American air force base are dying in a very gruesome way. Their brains an spinal columns are missing, and there is absolutely no explanation.
It is soon discovered that a scientist has been conducting experiments with the human mind and had accidentally created creatures that look like crawling brains with spinal columns attached. These are some of the best creatures ever create for a film of this kind. Once seen they aren't easily forgotten.
When you shoot them they splatter blood everywhere an when they kill they slurp out the brains. The sound effects for this were quite the gross out thing in it's day. Marshall Thompson leads an excellent cast which also includes gorgeous Kim Parker, Terry Kilburn, Kynaston Reeves and Stanley Maxted.
If you haven't seen this, you should. It's a gem that shouldn't be missed.

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