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Saturday, December 6, 2014


Well, it's that time of year again when we count down the 50 best DVD an Blu-ray releases of the year. 2015 was a pretty good year for releases, and so here is part 1.

50...POSEIDON REX (ANDERSON DIGITAL).....A typical giant dinosaur film from 2014...not too bad however.

49...THE DEMONS (REDEMPTION)..A liberal dose of witchcraft, torture and sex from Jess Franco. It was good to see this finally out in an totally uncut form from Redemption.

48...THE THREE STOOGES COLLECTION (MILL CREEK)...Six classic films featuring the three masters of physical comedy. The prints are in excellent shape and the price was right for collectors.

47...GODZILLA TOKYO SOS/GODZILLA FINAL WARS (SONY)...The Blu-ray debut of the most famous of Japanese monsters was a very pleasant surprise this year, and Sony turned them all out in various sets.

46...GODZILLA VS DESTROYAH/GODZILLA VS. MEGAGASAURIUS (SONY)...Another great double bill on Blu-ray. Godzilla fans were really pleased with these.

45...MEGA SHARK VS. MECHA SHARK (THE ASYLUM)...A classic and fun monster romp from our friends at The Asylum. This film was good fun and packaged like a Japanese giant monster film.

44...NOSFERATU (SHOUT FACTORY)...Klaus Kinski stars as a bloodsucker who comes to England for new blood and brings terror and disease. Understated horror..well made. Good Blu-ray release.

43...GODZILLA VS. MECHA GODZILLA/GODZILLA VS. SPACE GODZILLA (SONY)...Another great double feature on Blu-ray with the big guy fighting to save the planet from various monsters.

42...CULT MOVIE MARATHON 2 (SHOUT FACTORY)...Shout and Timeless bring us four great films...Angels From Hell...Chatterbox....Naked Cage and Savage Island. All good fun and a great set from a great company.

41...JERRY WARREN COLLECTION VOL. 2 (VCI)...I know,,everyone thinks I'm crazy for including this, but I do love these films. The three movie set includes ATTACK OF THE MAYAN MUMMY, CREATURE OF THE WALKING DEAD, and HOUSE OF THE BLACK DEATH.

An there you have it...part 1 of my 50 best DVD releases of the year. Next Saturday will be 40-31

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