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Sunday, December 7, 2014


Revisiting one of my favorite sci-fi films.

A scientist and his assistant, located on a small island off the Florida coast contact a future race with their time projection experiments.

John Stratton is the young scientist who wants to push the experiment even further and when he does he is attacked by a hideous figure of a woman. The scratches she gives him are highly radioactive and he is put in the hospital, which he quickly leaves.

The female from the far future steals a nurses face and attempts to take the scientist back with her in order to have some pre-atomic war genes introduced into her society. Joyce Holden is the woman who tries to stop the invader from destroying the man she once loved, and Frederic Downs is the elder scientist who created the machine.

Lovely Salome Jens is the creature from the future, and she looks great when not mutated. This film is always overlooked when people talk of 50's horror films, an I am hoping in my lifetime to see this film get a proper DVD release.

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