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Friday, December 12, 2014


It must be that time of year again.

This is one of my Christmas rituals. I watch this and "Santa Claus Conquers The Martians" every year.

This is a bizarre film, but a good one for kids of any age. Now I know everybody beats this film up, but I think those that do simply don't get it. Santa lives on a magic cloud in the sky and has a factory where children of the world make toys for him in time for Christmas.

The first few minutes of the film are used to introduce all of the children from various countries and have them sing songs. Yes that does get tiresome, but the good stuff starts soon. It seems that a red devil named Pitch has been dispatched from Hell in order to stop Santa.

Pitch gets a few children to join him in causing trouble and for this they are rewarded with coal for their presents. Merlin the magician helps Santa save Christmas and make it special for a young boy whose parents are very wealthy, but spend little time with him and for little Lupita, a girl whose family is very, very poor and who just wants a doll for christmas.

Yep, this is a children film from the word go. You either like this kind of film or you don't. I think this film is torn apart so much because people today are used to the idiotic dumbing down of things on TV, and the garbage they call children's programming today is targeted at sub humans.

I enjoy this film for what it is and nothing more. So sue me.

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