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Tuesday, November 10, 2020


Cosidered by many to be the greatest chapter serial of all time, and I might just have to agree.

This is a classic 12 chapter serial about the exploits of Billy Batson who can change into Captain Marvel in times off trouble. The story revolves around a magiuc talisman that has been discovered. The scientists that discover it find that it could be the most powerful weapon in the entire world if misused.

Young Billy Batson (Frank Coghlan, Jr.) is given a mysterious power in order to protect the the human race from destruction and to fight the evil men that want the device for their own.

Over the course of the next 11 chapters we find a hooded figure called "The Scorpion" and his henchmen trying to obtasin some lenses that will activate the talisman and put him in control of the world.

This is a thrill a minute serial with top notych effects and acting. Captain Marvel is played by Tom Tyler and he is perfect for that role. We see Marvel beat up his enemies and kill them as well. This guy doesn't mess around. Of course, this was back in the day before Marvel turned stupid and so kiddie oriented.

If you never see another serial you should see this one. It never slows down and the 12 chapter will fly by (no pun intended). This is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED blu-ray and I mjust say Captain Marvel never looked better. Kino has done a wonderful job.

The rest of the cast for this exciting adventure includes William Benedict, Louise Currie, Bryant Washburn and George Pembroke.

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