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Friday, November 13, 2020


It took me forever to see this film.

This is one incredible film and a typical journey thru Mexican cinema. Blue Demon and Mil Mascaras are wrestling in the city of Guanajuanto on the same day that a huge wrestler from 100 years ago vowed to come back from the dead and take revenge on Santo for a relative beating him a century ago.

This mummy is named Satan and he also revives a large army of rotting corpses that go on a killing spree thru the city in an attempt to lure Santo into a trap. Demon and Mascaras fight the invasion, nut to no avail. They just cannot seem to stop the walking dead.

The mummies kidnap Demon's son and Mascaras' girlfriend and an all out brawl breaks out in the middle of the city. Santo arrives just intime and helps defeat the unstoppable enemy.

I found it kind of odd that Santo would appear at the very end of the film and save the day. I have read a lot that people think Santo was brought in because the script was not going anywhere and the writer didn't know how to end it.

If this is true or not I don't know, but I do know the film is fun and the mummies are very effective. And hell, you get three of the greatest masked wrestlers in Mexican movie history appearing together!!

I can easily recommend this for fans of Mexican fantastic cinema!!

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