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Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Not too shabby of an adventure/romance film.

Fritz Lang directed this gem starring Paul Hubschmid Harald Berger, a German architect who has run away with a beautiful dancer named Seetha (Debra Paget).

The problem is Seetha was the finacee of the maharajah of Eschnapur and he vows to get her back at all costs. Maharadjaj Chandra (Walter Reyer) is a cold blooded leader, but he is nothing compared to his brother.

After a long and perilous journey Harald and Seetha are captured and returned to Eschnapur where Harald is thrown in a dark dungeon while Seetha refuses to marry Chandra.

Haralds relatives come looking for him and they soon discover what is going on and what has happened. Dr. Walter Rhode (Claus Holm) and his beautiful wife Irene (Sabine Bethmann) decide to help Seetha. Meanwhile Chandra's brother is plotting to oveerthrow the kingdom and this causes more problems.

Harald finally escapes the dungeon and he is reunited with Seetha. Chandra fights to save his kingdom, which he does, but it has humbled him and he seeks a religious leader for guidence.

There is a lot going on in this West German/French/Italian film shot in India. The sets are magnificent and so is the incredibly sexy dance number Paget does to hypnotize a snake. My God, she had me memerized!!

This is actually the second half of a film that was made into two features. I now have to watch the first film, TIGER OF BENGAL, which I will do and review it here.

This is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED adventure and I hope you seek it out.

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