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Tuesday, July 6, 2021


A hit and miss Ted V. Mikels film.

A young woman leaves her job at a small diner and heads for L.A. and the big time. Michele Casey (Leslie McRay) accepts a ride from a patron of the diner named Buz Nichols (Tom Pace) and they head for the city.

Along the way they meet a young man with a broken down mototcycle named 'Critter' Jones (Jody Daniels) and then the tension starts between Buz and Critter about Michele.

When they arrive in L.A. Buz sets it up so Michele can live her dream of becoming a Go Go dancer in a nightclub. After this the movie kind of changes gears and it becomes a gangster tale about drug use and drug pushers as Buz gets involved in that business for the nightclub owner.

Everything comes crashing down and Michele finds herself getting pulled into the drug world, but Critter saves her from that fate, and Buz gets his just desserts.

I liked this film but it really doesn't have much holding power when it comes to plot. McRay is a lovely woman and she does well with the material she is given. I like Mikels films but this was really all over the place, and there are several plot holes that are never filled in.

The running time of 90 minutes is too long. I think 75 would have been much tighter and it would have helped the movie flow better. However, I have seen worse.

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