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Saturday, December 17, 2022


Very rare Italian made adventure film.

This was a treat to see and since I love Italian made films of any kind this realy fit the bill for entertainment.

Two theives steal a precious jewel from a statue belonging to the Basoko tribe in Africa. One of the men shoots his partner in the back and takes the jewel himself.

Flash forward 10 years later and the man who was shot in the back has survived. His name is Wolf (Poldo Bendandi) and he is now leading expeditions into the jungle. He happens upon a couple Chamder (Conrad Loth) and the beautiful Fleur (Linda Veras) who want to see if they can find a rare element somewhere in the jungle.

Wolf uses this as an excuse to start looking for the missing jewel again. We learn that his partner who shot him crashed a small plane in another part of the jungle. He and his wife were killed, but their little girl has grown up in the jungle and has possession of the jewel. Her name is Gungala, a miniker the natives gave her.

Kitty Swan is the mysterious woman of the jungle who seems to control panthers and leopards and they in turn protect her. The highlight of the film is Swan, who has no lines, but is naked for and 3/4 of the movie.

The story does slow down a bit in spots, but hey what do you want? While I found Swan to be beautiful it is Linda Veras who really stole the show for me. Like most Italian productions, there are no unattractive women and the presentation is well done.

The print from Sinister is very, very nice and it's also subtitled. RECOMMENDED!!

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