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Saturday, December 10, 2022


This was a BBC broadcast of "Play For The Day" and damn, is it interesting.

Norah Palmer (Anne Cropper) is a middle aged woman who has just gotten a divorce and she is rather unhappy about it.

She buys a small home in the country to get away from everything and finds that at first the townpeople welcome her, but as time goes by they get stranger and stranger.

Her first meeting with a man named Fisher (Bernard Hepton) is bizarre indeed as he talks about things that nobody has ever really known or cares to know. Norah is polite however, but she does think he has some prblems.

In time she starts a small relationship with a young man named Rob (Andy Bradford). He himself is strange as he doesn't know his parents, has no friends and doesn't even know why people call him Rob.

Norah finds herself pregnant from Rob and then things really take a turn for the twisted. I won't put any spoilers here, but let us say that the story doesn't end the way a viewer thinks it will. It's bleak and dark, and I guess you'd call this a folk horror tale.

It was first broadcast on 12/10/70 and since there were power blackouts in parts of the UK during the showing and a lot of people didn't get to see the end, it was repeated in February of 1971. This was the only time this show was repeated.

If you like supernatural horror and dark endings, then this is for you. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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