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Tuesday, December 29, 2020


WOW!! What a movie!!

Bruno Mattei brings us this incredible tale of mutants and monsters.

This film finally received release in the US vis Blu-ray in 2018 because of rights issues and it's a shame we had to wait so long to see this film. It takes place in the future when Venice is so polluted as to be unlivable.

A evil corporation called The Tubular Corporation has a master plan to loot all of the art exibits in Venice and re-sell them for a huge profit. They have also created mutant monsters that live under the city and are now killing everyone.

The mutants are pretty cool looking and it soon becomes clesar that the small army of men and women sent in to destroy them is seriously outnumbered. Tubular has sent a representative with the soldeiers and he turns out to be a cyborg who tries to kill the last two survivors. And what a bizarre ending!!

The movie rips off both Aliens and The Terminator right down to some of the dialogue, which is why the film never got released here in the USA. It's one hell of a wild ride and total non-stop entertainment. It was also nice to see some familiar faces including Geretta Geretta who also appeared in Mattei's "Rats: Night Of Terror".

I had a heck of a time watching this fun little ripoff and if you haven't seen it, you probably should. Hard to believe it got held up for so many years, but thankfully it's here now for all to enjoy. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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