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Friday, August 20, 2021


This early sci-fi film has always been a favorite, and now it comes in a beautiful 4K transfer onto Blu-ray.

Lesley Selander directed the Monogram effort about the first flight to Mars and it all plays out very well. Cameron Mitchell, Arthur Franz, Virginia Huston, John Litel and Richard Gaines star as the first five people selected for a spaceflight to another planet.

Mitchell is a news reporter who sends back messages as the flight takes them deeper and deeper into space. The flight is filled with wonder and some terror as they encounter a meteor shower which damages the ship and they are forced to make an emergency landin on Mars.

Once there they are met by a race of people lead by Ikron (Morris Ankrum). They are taken to and underground world which isumlike anything they have ever seen. The astronauts get help from the Martians in rebuilding their ship. but unknown to them Ikron and other Martians plan to kill tyhe earthlings, steal their ship and begin an invasion of the Earth.

A beautiful woman from Mars named Alita (Marguerite Chapman) helps the earthlings and she and Franz' character of Dr. Jim Barker slowly fall in love.

When the scientists learn of the Martians plans they plot to get off the planet quicker than tey want to. This is a fun little movie that never fails to entertain. It's always good to see sexy Martian women in super short skirts and high heels, and this film has a good bit of that.

The Film Detective has restored this classic to top notch form. The color in beautiful, the picture is fantastic and it makes for an all new viewing experience for fans of the film.

If you get a chance you should check this out. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!

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