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Thursday, August 5, 2021


This is a real hoot.

Lets face it...Andy Kaufman was a genius. This is his parody of "My Dinner With Andre" and it's simply crazy stuff.

Andy meets former pro wrestler Freddie Blassy for a late breakfast at a local Sambos restaraunt in Los Angeles and that's when the fun starts.

They both have a little trouble deciding what to eat. Then they discuss why you shouldn't eat waffles or pancakes. Freddie rubs the belly of the pregnant waitress for luck then says "now we don't have to tip her as much".

The two discuss their wrestling careers and world travels, but are soon annoyed by a group of women sitting at a table across from them. Some of the comments from Blassie are priceless and Kaufman is no slouch either.

Things get worse when after their meal a man comes over and throws up on their table. I have seen things like this happen before and it was side splitting.

This isn't for everyone, but for those who know Kaufman and Blassie, it is a MUST see. You will find yourself laughing out loud as I did. Man, you just couldn't do this today. Kaufman's humor often made people mad and in todays liberl run psychotic society he would be banned forever by the humorless drones. LONG LIVE SAMBOS!!

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