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Thursday, February 1, 2024


A rather disappointing Roger Corman production.

The story takes place in a future dystopian society where two people, Helen (Sherilyn Fenn) and Bone (Peter Nelson) are seeking to get out of the dismal place where they live.

Along comes Jason (David Carradine) who has plans for both of them. He tells them, that for a fee he can get them both out and into another country which is not so disfunctional.

They agree and find the fee is actually not in money, but in crime. Jason wants them to carry out several robberies of high tech items he wants. They both agree and carry out three break ins, and the police are determined to capture them.

This is a slow moving story and it was a disappointment for me as this was a Roger Corman production from Concord. and I haven't seen too many films from that company that bored me.

Ther acting is flat and there isn't one character the viewer gives a damn about. Also, the film is set is a weird society, but you really see nothing of it as everything is so dark.

There were a ton of movies like this churned out in the 1990's and some were pretty good. This one isn't.

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