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Monday, February 19, 2024


An obscure crime film with a good plot.

The entire movie takes place outdoors in the mountains of Colorado. The story opens and we see an escaped convict being gunned down and killed.

He was one of four men who have escaped from prison and being hunted by a sheriff named Scott (Arthur Franz) and a small posse including a woman whose store was broken into by the men.

The woman, Smitty (Doris Dowling) isn't welcomed into the group by most of the men, but she proves she is better at most things than they are. Sheriff Scott dislikes killing, but a bar owner named Jaynes (Richard Reeves) thrives on it.

Jaynes and Scott clash most of the time and finally manage to capture two more of the men alive. There is one left, and this is where the movie takes a bizarre turn.

His name is Kaygo (Myron Healey) and he proves to be the hardest to capture, but he seems to be getting help from someone, and we learn who that someone is at the end of the film.

I won't give it away as it's a neat twist and I think this film should be seen by more people. It's streaming on TUBI as I write this, and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you check it out.

The Conrad Hall photography is simply gorgeous. The rest of the cast includes James Parnell, Charles Delaney, Gene Roth and Frank Richards. I do want to mention that it's Richard Reeves in a rare leading role that really steals the show.

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