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Sunday, February 4, 2024


Interesting western with a side of Charles Bronson we never got to see too much of in movies.

The movie takes place in 1870. Bronson stars as Link Stuart, a thief who along with a partner named Gauche (Alain Delon) plan on robbing a train of it's gold.

Also on the train is a Japanese Samurai warrior named Kuroda (Toshiro Mifune) who has a highly treasured Samurai sword that he is taking to Washington D.C. to deliver to the President.

Link and Gauche pull the robbery off. Gauche steals the sword and kills one of the Japanese passengers and also double crosses Link and leaves him for dead.

Link and Kuroda form an uneasy bond and start looking for Gauche. Kuroda has only a limited time to find the sword or lose face and that means he'll have to do himself in.

Link tracks down Cristina (Ursula Andress) and uses her as a pawn since she in Gauche's woman. This movie really held my attention and it gets you wrapped into the plot very easily.

It is never boring and Mifune and Bronson play off each other very well. Bronson's character is both cold blooded and funny at the same time, and it's a treat to see him in this kind of role.

Andress is ALWAYS gorgeous and as a red blooded American I really enjoyed her topless scene and wish she had more in the film. They just don't have women like this in movies today.

The rest of the cast includes Capucine, Barta Berri, Tetsu Nakamura, Monica Randall and Guido Lollobrigida. Check it out.

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