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Thursday, March 21, 2024


A very gritty and bleak film noir that is also very rare.

A young man named Sonny Martin (Ed Dugan) witnesses an attempted gangland hit and helps the intended victim when he survives. After a bizarre set of circumstances the man is killed by a town doctor and Sonny finds himself accused of murder.

Sonny escapes from the police and learns that the doctor, the police chief and the newspaper editor are all tied up in the syndicate and all of them want him to be blamed for the killing.

Louis Gartner is the police chief, Don Alderette is the doctor and G.J. Mitchell is the newspaper editor. All do their roles very well and really make you root for Sonny as he fights to get his story out to the public.

The movie runs a very brief 61 minutes, but man does it move. I'm not going to say this is anything original, but the execution of the plot is well done by director Donn Harling. This is his only film effort.

The rest of the cast includes Wes Carlson, Madeline Francis and Tiiu Parli. These are people who never made another feature as far as I can tell except for G.J. Mitchell. He has a 40 plus year career in acting on stage and screen, but I am sure you'll only remember him from the many Jerry Warren films he made.

This is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED film noir, with a hell of a downer ending!!

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