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Sunday, March 31, 2024


Early Japanese sci-fi that is pretty much a direct remake of the Invisible Man from Universal in 1933.

The premise of gangsters involved in a science fiction film would become pretty common in Japanese films during the later years, but this is one of the first, if not the first.

A professor named Nakazato has developed a formula for rendering a person invisible. Gangsters use the formula and blackmail as a way of acquiring a very valuable necklace called the "Tears Of Amour".

The formula for making the person visible again has not yet been developed and the current serum will eventualy drive the victim mad, and there lies the problem that haunts most of the movie.

This is a well made and well acted film that will hold your attention. The special effects are very good and it's interesting to note that they are handled by Eiji Tsuburaya. This was five years before he conquered the world of special effects with "Gojira".

I recommend you give this a try. It's a great part of world cinema history that has been largely forgotten or overlooked.

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