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Sunday, March 24, 2024


I have not seen a Daimajin film for almost 30 years.

I saw them on TV when I was a child and really didn't appreciate them at the time. Then I saw them on a very old DVD set and I cannot even tell you what company released them, but it was a while ago.

I watched this on TUBI because I wanted to see if I still felt the same about them. I was very impressed by the picture quality and that they finally have the original Japanese language with subtitles.

This is the final of the three movies about Daimajin. A cruel ruler has kidnapped men from another village in order to make them slave labor. The ruler wants to conquer everyone in the region so he is building a huge army of weapons just for that reason.

Four children decide that they are going to rescue their fathers from the evil kingdom, and set off on their way. There are a lot of hardships, but these kids are capable of handling anything by using their heads.

After much death and evil from the ruler, the giant Majin comes to life and untterly destroys the ruler and anything he ever created as well as anyone working for him.

The last 20 minutes are well worth the wait and I have read a lot of negative things about this film, such as it is the weakest of the series. That may be true, I haven't seen the others yet.

I liked it, and I can recommend it.

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