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Saturday, March 30, 2024


I was very surprised to see this on streaming TV.

This movie usually receives a lot of criticism, and I believe that is true for 2 reasons. First it is a sci-fi film that touches on religious themes and secondly because a lot of us who are my age saw this as kids and were disappointed there were no monsters.

Peter Graves stars as Chris Cronyn, an American scientist who has been trying to contact Mars. He finally does, and to his shock, it's not exactly what he thought.

He gets messages about Mars being a sort of Utopia, where people live 300 years, only cosmic power is used and there is always plenty to eat, etc, etc.

This throws the world into chaos and before long the entire business structure of the free world is falling apart. In reality, it's actually the evil Russians sending out these fake messages in order to destroy America from within.

However, at the end of the movie everyone learns that Mars is inhabited by beings who are peaceful. Yes. it's an odd film, but it has a great flavor of the time it was made.

I liked it after having not seen it for over 50 years. There were parts of the film that reminded me of the way things are going today in 2024. If you watch this on PLEX just beware of a lot of commercials.

The rest of the great cast includes Andrea King, Herbert Berghof, Walter Sande, Marvin Miller, Morris Ankrum, Willis Bouchey, and George Barrows.

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